OPC Short-term Missions is down, but not quite out! It has been hit hard by the results of the mandates due to the COVID-19 virus, that is for sure. But this summer, with the vaccine distribution underway, Lord willing, we just may be able to get a few ministries in for the summer of 2021.
David Nakhla just got back from a whirlwind visit to Uganda. While foreign travel is still not advisable for groups due to the many possible complications COVID presents, individual volunteers who are able to come alongside our missionaries in their labors in Uganda are welcome, particularly those who can come for a month or more.
Here are just some ways that individuals might be able to serve the Uganda Mission:
• one to oversee the farm project
• those willing to participate in facility maintenance
• those willing to participate in the care and teaching of missionary children
Check our website OPCSTM.org for more opportunities and up-to-date information on each of our fields throughout the summer.
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