The following report on the “English for Kids” camp held in St-Georges de Beauce, Quebec, (June 30 – July 4, 2014) was received from camp organizer Olivia Durham, wife of Pastor Carl Durham of Covenant OPC, Barre, Vermont. Mrs. Durham carries out the responsibility of running this camp in cooperation with OPC Missionary Rev. Ben Westerveld, who also holds “English for Kids” camps at his church, St-Marc’s, in Quebec City.
"Dear Friends: Thanks so much for your prayers and support of English for Kids St Georges this summer. We are thankful for God’s care and watchful protection over the whole group and can report a safe, fun, and instructive week for all.
"We had our largest camp ever with 44 campers (including 10 in our Teen Track up to age 15). This represented 21 families, only a few of whom regularly attend any church.
"We were thankful for a large crew of volunteers to meet this need: 22 people, half from the Presbytery of New York and New England, and half from the Canadian Reformed denomination in Ontario. The teens enjoyed working together in this international group. It was fun to celebrate both Canada Day and our Independence Day in the same week (July 1 and July 4). We sang the national anthem for both countries on their respective days.
"Our week’s theme was David and Goliath and the theme verse was “The LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.” (Dt. 20:4 ) Coupled with this verse, “For Jesus must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet” (1 Cor. 15:25-26), the teachers tried to explain that Jesus, like David, fights for us against our enemies of sin and death. The teens and older kids are certainly able to understand, and the little ones learn and grow as they are able.
"We had some children who returned to camp for the sixth year in a row. I’m thankful for the annual contact and marvel to see their growth and change through the years. Their parents certainly have a warm appreciation for the church.
"Please pray for the little church at St Georges de Beauce, doing a heroic job of maintaining a faithful witness in their town of 30,000 with only one other evangelical church in their town.
"Please also pray for our steering committee as we pray and plan for next year – some questions about what our max enrollment should be and what best to do with the older teens need to be wrestled with."
PHOTO: 2014 "English for Kids" in St-Georges, Quebec
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