by Trish Duggan
Deacon Mike Kelly (Heritage OPC, Wilmington, NC) and his wife, Sylvia, are back in Neon, Kentucky! They haven’t truly left—not in their hearts, anyway.
As you probably remember, back in the summer of 2022, Neon Reformed OPC and the 16 counties surrounding it suffered from catastrophic floods leading to a declaration of widespread disaster zones. When Mike and Sylvia heard about this, they knew they wanted to be a part of the rebuilding. Their first visit was in September of 2022. The Kellys then committed to spending three and a half months at the beginning of 2023 in Neon, not only working on the finishing touches of Neon Reformed but also reaching out into the community to help residents there pull their lives back together. When it was time to go, it was clear they had made an impact. The mayor even honored the Kellys publicly at a town festival. Mike and Sylvia (as well as their dog, Charlie) have made quarterly trips back to Neon to continue where they left off. Sylvia says, “Lord willing, our goal is to come back once a quarter and do any diaconal work that needs to be done—at least until NRPC has their own deacons.”
So they are back, serving again right now in their adopted town of Neon. They say they make the seven-hour drive because they love the people at Neon Reformed and the town of Neon. Seth Long, an elder at Neon Reformed OPC loves having a deacon around. He’s amazed by what Mike and Sylvia have been able to accomplish, not just physically, but in the unanticipated trust they’ve developed with the town. Long says, “Not everybody can do that in Neon, Kentucky.” The folks there don’t easily trust. But Mike earned that from them. “It’s beautiful,” Long says. He speaks from experience. Seth and his wife, Sheryl, admit they still feel like outsiders at times even after over 33 years of laboring there.
Recently, while working, Mike noticed a small kids’ dance studio and gift shop was holding a fundraiser, selling chicken and dumplings to help families pay for lessons. Mike wanted to contribute so he walked over, only to be told that he was not allowed to pay! Further proof that the Kellys are well-known and loved by Neon.
Please pray for them as they selflessly labor using their time and talents for this small congregation and town. What a wonderful reflection of Christ’s love! Pray also for an undershepherd for the flock at Neon Reformed OPC.
You can find out more about the 2022 flooding in Neon, Kentucky here: Neon Flood Background
Watch a video where elders Mike Cloy and Seth Long talk about the Neon Flood Response here: PDS V The PSE Response to the Kentucky Flood
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