Would you consider joining a team to help residents in and around Asheville, NC?
Landis OPC in Marion, NC has been working alongside organizations to help the recovery effort as a result of Hurricane Helene. With a great desire to aid their neighbors and pair Word and deed, the officers of Landis OPC in Marion, NC hope to further help those affected in this area in the months to come.
In order to come alongside and encourage Landis OPC, the Presbytery of Philadelphia's Diaconal Committee recently moved to sponsor a team to go to work in North Carolina the week of December 16-21. PPH Diaconal Committee Chairman, Dave Askey, has offered to lead this team, after seeing the destruction for himself back in early October while delivering generators and helping with some tree removal. It is anticipated that the work in December should involve various aspects of repairing or rehabbing buildings and living spaces.
Please contact Dave as soon as possible: daskey00@gmail.com or 215- 385-4131 to find out more details. All volunteers must be registered with OPC Disaster Response (https://www.opcdisasterresponse.org/volunteer-registry) prior to serving.
Thank you for considering this service. Please pass this invitation on to the members of your congregation and be sure to pray for this effort!
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