
January 6 Today in OPC History

Richard B. Gaffin


On January 6, 1942, the Presbytery of Philadelphia met at Mediator OPC Chapel, Philadelphia, for the ordination of Mr. Richard B. Gaffin, Orthodox Presbyterian missionary to China. Presiding was the Rev. Theodore J. Jansma, moderator of the presbytery. The Rev. Professor R. B. Kuiper preached the sermon, the Rev. Professor Edward J. Young read the Scriptures and Dr. Robert Strong offered prayer. The prayer of ordination was offered by Dr. Cornelius Van Til, and the Rev. James W. Price delivered the charge. Mr. Gaffin pronounced the benediction.

Unable to return to China because of the outbreak of World War II, Mr. Gaffin would serve as pastor of Grace OPC, Milwaukee from 1942-47. After the War's conclusion, he headed to China to explore whether the OPC would be able to labor there. With the Chinese Revolution in 1949, he turned his attention to bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to Taiwan. He would serve with his wife, Pauline, in Taiwan for thirty years until retirement in 1980.

Picture: From left, Harold, Margaret, John, Pauline, Richard and Richard Jr.



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