
January 3 Today in OPC History

Cornelius Muller, Sr.


On January 3, 1954, the session of Memorial Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York had made plans to install Mr. Cornelius Muller, Sr. as a ruling elder of the church. Mr. Muller, however, was called to his eternal rest on December 31. Mr. Muller had previously served as a ruling elder, and was elected for another three year term by the congregation in November.

The Memorial Church session issued the following IN MEMORIAM for Mr. Muller to be shared in its Minutes and before the church as a whole.

Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly Father to take unto Himself Mr. Cornelius Muller, Sr., elder-elect, to be installed on the first Lord's Day of the New Year, Be it Resolved: that we, the Session of Memorial Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y., hereby express our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved children, grandchildren and other members of the family, earnestly praying that the Lord may graciously sustain and comfort them in this time of sorrow. It is fitting to recall that it has pleased God to use our departed brother for many years in the service of his Lord. His diligence in calling on the sick, the aged, and the lonely will long be remembered by those who have been inspired and comforted by his visits. Enjoying rest from his daily occupation, he looked forward with eagerness to another period of service as elder. It could not be so. The Great Shepherd had prepared something better for his faithful servant: the rest that remaineth for the children of God. May this blessed assurance comfort his dear ones.

For the Session,

JOHN J. DEWAARD, Moderator


Picture: Cornelius Muller, Sr.



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