
October 14 Today in OPC History

John Murray


On October 14, 1898, John Murray was born in Bonar Bridge, Scotland. Educated at Princeton Theological Seminary, Murray joined the faculty at Westminster Seminary in 1929 where he taught systematic theology until his retirement in 1967. Far from the ivory tower theologian, Murray was a remarkably active Orthodox Presbyterian churchman. In 1966, The 33rd General Assembly recognized Murray's labors with a testimonial scroll which read:

To our esteemed brother, father in the faith, teacher of the Word of God, fellow presbyter and undershepherd of Jesus Christ in the labors of the gospel, to Professor John Murray:

We, the commissioners of the Thirty-third General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, meeting in Oostburg, Wisconsin, April 28, 1966, affix our names on the following tribute:

You have been a warm friend and counselor to us, one and all, giving individual counsel whenever we sought always out of a rich wealth of knowledge and inspiring reverence for the written Word.

You have been a faithful presbyter, spending untold days in the service of our beloved church, both in its assembly services and as a member of many of its committees.

You have been a gracious reprover, a hearty encourager, and an un-bitter dissenter in our deliberations.

To many of us you have been a patient teacher and more, for you have taught us exactness in the study of Holy Scripture, and a deep reverence for its high doctrine.

We honor you in our hearts. We respect you for your scholarship and wisdom. We are grateful to our God for you, Professor Murray. But we are compelled to say more: we love you dearly, and it is with deep sorrow that it appears that we may not see your face or hear your voice in future assemblies. We pray God that He may lay His hand on you for a most useful and happy ministry during your retirement years in your native land. We "thank God on every remembrance of you."

Upon his retirement, Murray married Valerie Knowlton and returned to his native Scotland. They had two children, Logan and Ann-Margaret. Murray died on May 8, 1975, in the same town in which he was born. Ann-Margaret died in 1976. In 1981, Valerie and Logan moved to Augusta, Maine and became members of Merrymeeting Bay OPC in Brunswick. Mrs. Murray died on August 8, 2014.

Homepage Picture: John Murray and Cornelius Van Til on the current campus of WTS

Picture: John Murray in the early 1930s at the Pine St. WTS campus



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